Let's do this crackme together.
Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++
Published: 19. Sep, 2002
What we need to do w/ this one is to find the correct serial.
Let's begin!
1. First, just run crackme to check its behavior.
- type anything into the text box then click ok- boom, a message box
2. OK! Let's load it into OllyDbg
- Right click -> Search for -> All referenced text strings
- You will see this section
- Double-click on "Wrong Code! Try again!" to access its memory region on main window.
- Scroll up, there's a jump above
004016D7 |. 74 1D JE SHORT CrackMe1.004016F6
004016D9 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0
004016DB |. B9 A0D34600 MOV ECX,CrackMe1.0046D3A0 ; ASCII "CrackMe #1 By DiABLO"
004016E0 |. BA 89D34600 MOV EDX,CrackMe1.0046D389 ; ASCII "Wrong Code! Try Again!"
- Then it must be compared the serial somewhere above.
[*] Well, the string "***vErYeAsY***" is really suspicious. It just appears out of nowhere.
- You might Step over that memory space around to check the process ^^!
The rest is up all to you, then!
Have fun!@