- Prison Code Breaker Diary -

=> aka: Nhật Kí Code Tù


Programming .NET is one of the first thing I've learned myself long ago, but only available in Windows Operating System.
Somehow, the Mono Project has made .NET Framework become a cross-platform environment that you can freely programming .NET for Windows, Linux, MacOS...in that system directly. Also, you can write a .NET program for Linux under Windows and vice-versa. It's really a great achievement that Mono Project has reached. I expect that Mono Project will achieve more impressive goals with .NET technology in the future as it develops.
I write this guide as a journal in programming .NET under Linux environment by using Mono Project.
You may take this as a reference for Gtk#.

1 - Documentation and Reference:
Here the list that I read and reference from:
Gtk# Tutorial Page by Mono
Mono Documentation Library (equivalent to MSDN)
Mono: A Developer's Notebook (Edd Dumbill, Niel M. Bornstein) - A great book, worth to buy for two reasons:
+ It's the only book on Mono up to this time.
+ It's written as a developer's journal style, so it's really easy to catch the authors' mind concepts.

2 - Programming Gtk# Journal

Lesson 1: Say Hello
Lesson 2: Hello Gtk# (using Form)
Lesson 3: MonoDevelop IDE vs. manual text coding w/ commands. (to be updated...)

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Have fun!


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