- Prison Code Breaker Diary -

=> aka: Nhật Kí Code Tù


May 14


#define CreateFunction( FunctionName, Operator, Type ) \
  Type FunctionName( Type a, Type b ) \
  { \
   return a Operator b; \

CreateFunction( Add, +, int )
CreateFunction( Sub, -, float )
CreateFunction( Mul, *, long )

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main( )

 cout << "CreateFunction(Add, +, int)"    << endl
   << "10 + 15 = "   << Add( 10, 15 )    << endl
   << "CreateFunction(Sub, -, float)"   << endl
   << "12.4 - 4.34 = " << Sub( 12.4, 4.34 )  << endl
   << "CreateFunction(Mul, *, long)"    << endl
   << "40 * 123 = "   << Mul( 40, 123 )   << endl;

 return 0;
The 3 lines
CreateFunction( Add, +, int )
CreateFunction( Sub, -, float )
CreateFunction( Mul, *, long )

will be expanded during compile time.

A well-known trick under GNU/C.


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