- Prison Code Breaker Diary -

=> aka: Nhật Kí Code Tù


Would you like to have your command prompt like mine?

OK! Let's open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) utility for some add-ons.
First, export your current registry settings for the sake of your life (menu File->Export).
Then, access this key: Computer\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Environment
Right click to create a new string value, name it PROMPT with value: "[JaPh]@$P~$P$$$P"
Then log-off or reboot to apply new settings to environment. You'll see the change in your command prompt, just like Unix-shell.

However, if you just want to have this style temporarily, means that for current session only, you need to use "prompt" utility to set up.

C:\> prompt [JaPh]@$P~$$$P

After session, everything changes back to default.

Here some special value if you want differences:

$A & (Ampersand)
$B | (pipe)
$C ( (Left parenthesis)
$D Current date
$E Escape code (ASCII code 27)
$F ) (Right parenthesis)
$G > (greater-than sign)
$H Backspace (erases previous character)
$L < (less-than sign) $N Current driveprompt [%USERNAME%@%COMPUTERNAME%$S~]$$
$P Current drive and path
$Q = (equal sign)
$S (space)
$T Current time
$V Windows XP version number
$_ Carriage return and linefeed
$$ $ (dollar sign)

Have fun!


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