- Prison Code Breaker Diary -

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Download Project: Lesson 1 - Say Hello Gtk#

First, open MonoDevelop and create a new empty project. Then, add an empty class file into project. Copy this code below to the file:

using System;

public class Lesson_1 {

public static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("Lesson 1: Hello Gtk#! It's so wonderful!");

If you already know C#, you, hence, know what it means.

Now click on the menu Build -> Build Solution or F8.
Click menu Run -> Run or Ctrl+F5.
You will have result like this:

The result is shown under the Application Output textbox.

However, if you want to compile a single C# file or a C# project manually, then do this.

Open the terminal:

terminal> mcs -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 Main.cs

A file named Main.exe will be generated. In order to run this file you have to use mono utility:

terminal> mono Main.exe

The result will show up exactly how it is while using MonoDevelop.

Have fun!


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