- Prison Code Breaker Diary -

=> aka: Nhật Kí Code Tù


Before starting to work with malware, you probably need some basic knowledge as requirements. Of course, it's great if you have high experiences in this area.
Here is something I recommend you to know before moving to next step.

  1. You must be very familiar with Windows and can use it well. What does that mean? Well, it's simple; you can fix when something goes wrong, you know and can use Windows utilities to fix problems ( msconfig-MS Configuration Utility, regedit-Registry Editor... )...
  2. Already have experiences dealing with virus, worm, trojan...
  3. Know how to use VMWare or any virtual machine effectively, being able to control Snapshots.
  4. Understand assembly code and how it works because we're gonna spend time on disassembling and debugging.
  5. Know how to how OllyDbg and IDA.
That's all I guess. It takes your patience and learning ability.

Have fun!


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