[ Crackme Info ]
Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Unix/linux etc.
Language: Assembler
Refer: click here
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Load into IDA, we have the main program
.text:08048085 mov ebx, 1 ; fd
.text:0804808A mov ecx, offset aPassword ; "\nPassword : "
.text:0804808F mov edx, 0Dh ; len
.text:08048094 int 80h ; LINUX - sys_write
.text:08048096 mov edx, 100h ; len
.text:0804809B mov ecx, offset asc_804911B ; " "
.text:080480A0 mov ebx, 0 ; fd
.text:080480A5 mov eax, 3
.text:080480AA int 80h ; LINUX - sys_read
.text:080480AC mov esi, offset aQtbxctu ; "QTBXCTU"
.text:080480B1 mov edi, esi
.text:080480B3 xor ebx, ebx
.text:080480B5 cld
.text:080480B6 loc_80480B6: ; CODE XREF: start+43j
.text:080480B6 lodsb
.text:080480B7 xor al, 21h
.text:080480B9 stosb
.text:080480BA inc ebx
.text:080480BB cmp ebx, 7
.text:080480C1 jz short loc_80480C5
.text:080480C3 loop loc_80480B6
.text:080480C5 loc_80480C5: ; CODE XREF: start+41j
.text:080480C5 mov esi, offset asc_804911B ; " "
.text:080480CA mov edi, offset aQtbxctu ; "QTBXCTU"
.text:080480CF mov ecx, 7
.text:080480D4 cld
.text:080480D5 repe cmpsb
.text:080480D7 jnz short loc_80480EF
.text:080480D9 mov eax, 4
.text:080480DE mov ebx, 1 ; status
.text:080480E3 mov ecx, offset unk_8049105 ; addr
.text:080480E8 mov edx, 16h ; len
.text:080480ED int 80h ; LINUX - sys_write
.text:080480EF loc_80480EF: ; CODE XREF: start+57j
.text:080480EF mov eax, 1
.text:080480F4 int 80h ; LINUX - sys_exit
.text:080480F4 start endp
.text:080480F4 _text ends
Each bytes of our input password is encrypted:
.text:080480B6 loc_80480B6: ; CODE XREF: start+43j
.text:080480B6 lodsb
.text:080480B7 xor al, 21h
.text:080480B9 stosb
.text:080480BA inc ebx
.text:080480BB cmp ebx, 7
.text:080480C1 jz short loc_80480C5
.text:080480C3 loop loc_80480B6
So, the real password can be found if we decrypt the string "QTBXCTU".
The encryption is simple, each byte is XORed w/ 0x21.
Then, we also use XORed w/ 0x21 to decrypt it.
Here a little perl script I wrote to decrypt.
my $cipher_txt = "QTBXCTU";
my $plain_txt;
my @arr = unpack("C*", $cipher_txt);
foreach my $c (@arr) {
$plain_txt .= chr( $c ^ 0x21 );
print $plain_txt, "\n";
Have fun!@